Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Changes are coming!

I started this blog when I went on maternity leave and have really, really enjoyed writing entries a few times a week. I've been pretty regimented about when I post; Technique Tuesdays and a Thursday post have been my typical schedule.

Well, the time has come for me to return to work full-time after eight wonderful, magical months of maternity leave. I will return to teaching on Monday, January 4. Not only will I be returning to teaching after an extended leave, but I will be starting a new job in a new school district. I have no idea what my life is going to look like, but I do know that I want to continue blogging.

I'm definitely still going to post recipes and techniques regularly, but I don't know what my posting schedule is going to look like yet. Please keep visiting and leaving me your wonderful comments!
Thank you again for reading The Happiest Belly on the Block! As always, I welcome your feedback :)

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